28. december 2014 - Adventure starts
December 30th, 2014, Andrus Pavelson
By sending the car overseas, most of preparations have been done. Our final task now is to arrange ourselves over the ocean. We have travelled quite a lot, but this time everything seems different. Going on a trip with one way ticket for a year or two, not just for a couple of weeks, as we are used to, makes me feel little bit nervous. On the morning of departure I am totally captured with travel fever, packing and unpacking luggage several times. The question, how to continue life after returning, hammers in my head, without clear answer. Hopefully we find it in the course of adventure.
During Christmas Season we spent plenty of time together with our “Italian” family and close friends. We had lots of fun, joy and many happy moments, which will follow us in our hearts through the long trip. Thank you all for the glorious moments!
We chose Turkish Airlines for our flight from Tallinn to Buenos Aires. First part was easy, 3 hours to Istanbul where we spent the night. In the morning we started our longest ever flight from Istanbul to Buenos Aires with stopover in Sao Paolo, Brazil, with the total duration of 17+ hours. This was quite painful - 17 long hours packed in the narrow seat row with 31 inch pitch, entertained by 3 meals and longlasting film programs. Just clouds on the scenery did not comfort too much. Our suffering ends with safe landing in Buenos Aires Ezeiza Airport. Argentina greets us with 27 degrees and heavy thunderstorm.
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